Strong Hearts Build Strong Bridges, Saturn Stations Direct, Cancer New Moon

New Moon Astrology

Since February, some of us have experienced certain struggles with our aspirations or reaching certain goals. Perhaps there were actual encounters with strong potential growth, that may have quietly fizzled, or came to a screeching halt. These are just a few energetic situations that one can come across during Saturn retrograde.

Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn, which governs the tenth house of the astrological wheel, ruling commanding areas such as: authority, success, career, power, finances, property, public activity, government, reputation and status. Related keywords for Saturn include: discipline, seriousness, responsibility, endurance, reality, teacher, restriction, caution, limitations, the dominating parent, mature, fear, persistence, time, and stability. Saturn is materialistic and is determined to do what is needed to climb the ladder, gain power and stay in control. In the retrograde, it is an opportunity where time stands still – so that we may restructure and rebuild strength. It’s a second chance to ‘step back’ from the scene, to redesign a new blueprint as we ‘re-check ourselves’.

Do not fear mistakes. There are none. Miles Davis

So after five months of where life appeared to be stunted in movement, Saturn the Taskmaster will station direct in the wee hours of the morning. The brakes that Saturn had applied (with our best interest at heart) will gently be released in the next weeks ahead, allowing us to move forward and grow. Most likely, we may be picking up in an area where we last left off back in February. The interesting thing that I usually like to remind readers and clients, is to look back at where you were then, but also where you were headed at that time.

With a better grasp of reality, through hardships and/or hard work, we should be able to make better decisions regarding our direction and plans for the future. As blocks and obstacle are removed, life lessons are reliable survivor tools for self-improvement, and for climbing the ladder of success. And for those who may have failed Saturn’s lessons in responsibility, new teachings for self-discipline will be prepared and handed out.

Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them. A.A. Milne

As we’re getting ready to establish ourselves again in the real world with Saturn, we’re also blessed with a Cancer New Moon. New Moon’s are a time when we prepare ourselves to place wishes, dreams, and new intentions into the universe. It’s also a time to reach within, so that we may embrace a new emotional approach toward matters and life. With the Sun (father, ego) and Moon (mother, emotions) in gentle Cancer, conjunct with Mercury retrograde in Cancer, the sensitivity level is set to high, encouraging psychic intuition, self-nurturing, and inner compassion. And as we have enough of loving resources within, we are able to generously share outwards, especially with expansive Jupiter also in Cancer. Intentions are due to manifest with a better outcome as we place them in Cancer-related areas, such as; feelings, mothers, dreams, mothering, domestic activities, food, natural instincts, chest and breasts, sympathy, the heart, home, emotional security, understanding, female influences, protection, kindness, and unconditional love. Added to the magic of this day is a powerful release of healing water vibrations, with a grand trine of abundant Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. You can read more about the New Moon here. Create a practical solution that feeds magic into your heart, which spills into the hearts of others.

I see my beauty in you. Rumi

Suzi Dronzek provides intuitive consultations with personalized tarot insight, practical astrology advice and spiritual guidance for realistic solutions. Call 724-832-9283 or visit ©1995-2013 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+