Cosmic Dirt ~ Silent Whispers, Mercury enters Cancer

Silence WhispersMercury leaves his blustery Gemini home again, to find new ways to connect with the world on Friday May 31. During the next three weeks, he will travel through the intuitive waters of Cancer. Communications will shift from friendly and direct, to cautious and indirect. In domestic Cancer, we are more aware to others needs, and just as sensitive to our own. We’re minding our own thoughts and manners. Conversations can quietly dissolve, while listening skills adjust to a wider range. As Mercury transits Cancer, our thoughts and words will be influenced by a quieter, darker realm. This is where intuition, creativity and our understanding exists. In there, our logic can get lost, which can create a lot of confusion for us. As this happens, we may have no choice, but to rely on an alternate route – our gut instinct. We’ll be analyzing and trying to make sense of the unseen, relying more on reading between the lines, revisiting our memory bank for better clues, or searching for unusual signs that appear out of thin air. I think you get the picture. But as we quiet our voices and ourselves, we’ll be able to hear much more. And when we ‘hear’ what we’ve been searching for (regardless of it came from), the more we’re able to trust the source.

What we thought we had already learned, becomes challenged as powerful unseen forces stream through our reasoning and logic. Emotional waters rush onto our path, cornering us and our vulnerabilities. Something is bound to move internally, that can shift the direction of our course. And sure, we could try to be sensible and follow all the rules in which we have learned, but as our plans and ideas lose control – gasping for their last breath – we may finally decide to surrender to the yearning of our heart.

Mercury enjoys the quick and busy life, but in the gentle comforts of Cancer, we may become a little to comfortable and settled. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because it all depends on the situation. But in this cosmic cycle, we need to be careful of not becoming a little too dependent, too moody, or too desperate. Benefit from this rhythm by allowing our routines to flow into fresh sparkly waters. Invite magical moments by bathing in scented soaps and special oils. Wash away insecurities and fears by indulging into sensual pleasures that seduce the mind. As the thoughts in our mind are decorated with love and kindness, there’s a better chance that our words will be just as loving and kind.

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. Carolyn Myss

Grabbing the tarot for further insight, a reversed King of Swords appears. It reminds me how Mercury in Cancer can encourage one to submit to passive behavior and the role of the victim. And as Mercury begins to reach his shadow of the nearing retrograde, communications are more at risk for accusations, breakdowns, disagreements, and misunderstandings. So rather than getting too opinionated or confrontational in the weeks ahead, work on becoming still. Pay attention to details and the silent whispers, to be  aware of what is truly being said. Just listen and collect data.

Suzi Dronzek provides intuitive consultations with personalized insight, practical advice and guidance. Call 724832-9283 or visit ©1995-2013 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+