On Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM astrologer and therapist Jacqueline Janes will lecture on “Neptune in Pisces: From Collective to Personal Meaning” at the Keeney Memorial Cultural Center, 200 Main Street, Wethersfield, CT.
Discovered in 1846, the planet Neptune is identified among astrologers as the planet of our highest aspirations and our basest desires. Spirituality, faith, dreams, illusions, delusions, meditation and substance abuse are ruled by this planet named for the Greek god of the seas. Sited a scant 163 years ago, it is just about to complete the first obit of the sun since its discovery. At the time of its discovery the United States experienced tremendous changes. Historically, in the United States it was a time of great religious revivals and the formation of new religions. An interest in spiritualism and the occult was reborn. Urban growth went off the scale as the Industrial Revolution brought steady work to the cities drawing people off the farms in search of a better life. It was a tumultuous time, bursting to seams with the growth of human potential.
Neptune is now moving into Pisces, the sign it rules, for a 13 year journey beginning February 2012. What can we expect collectively from this outer planet’s energies as we move through times of great social and economic change and how might we translate the collective impact into personal meaning? Come grab onto a safety line and venture out into Neptunian depths.
Jacqueline Janes is a Certified Counseling Astrologer with I.S.A.R. and N.C.G.R. level IV. She has a M.A. in Counseling. In 1993 she opened her present psychotherapy and astrological consultation practice working with individuals and couples through life’s adventures to greater consciousness. She will be a lecturer at UAC 2012.
The Astrological Society of Connecticut is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization; one of the largest and most active local astrological organizations in the United States, it is dedicated to educating people interested in astrology, sponsoring lectures, workshops, fund-raising fairs, and social activities.
The lecture is free to ASC members, $10 for the general public. A pre-lecture for $5 will be held a 6:30 PM explaining the general terms and principles of the upcoming lecture.