Author: Suzi Dronzek

Honor Your Strength, Control Your Direction with Tarot and Astrology

Quick View. Although I’ll share more in future writings, I thought I’d look at the rest of the month from a quick view. And while this is a month of giving, festivities, and cheer…  Sun and Mercury in partying Sagittarius will be moving into a new sign in a few… Read More →

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What Are You Fighting For, Sagittarius New Moon, Mars enters Libra

Sagittarius New Moon A powerful New Moon on December 2 provides us with a brand new emotional cycle. Whatever we may have happening in our current situation(s), we’ll be more encouraged to run with a new approach, in order to get what we need. In these quiet vibrations, be more… Read More →

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Reach Out and Give Thanks. Words are optional.

Mercury will finish November in the dark, transformative waters of Scorpio. Mentally we’ve been intense, and the dark roads that we travel on inwardly, can still seep into our words and approach. Understanding this, remember to be mindful and kind. Mercury will aspect Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter this week, which will… Read More →

I Am a Guiding Light, Sun enters Sagittarius

We receive a calling from the cosmos on Tuesday, as Mars sextiles fortunate Jupiter. It’s favorable timing to inhale our confidence with a big deep breath, in order to reach out, step forward, and jump into the fire. Passionately stir aspirations, and create those dreams. With Mars in healthy Virgo and Jupiter… Read More →