Author: Dawn Bodrogi

BML Challenge: Chart #4

  If you don’t know his work, you will, at least, know of him–next to Da Vinci, probably the most well known and influential artist of all time: Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo (Italian pronunciation: [mikeˈlandʒelo]), was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer of […]

BML Challenge Chart #3

  Louis Pasteur French Chemist, Microbiologist. If you’ve ever overcome a serious illness and are still alive, you most likely owe your life to this hard-working scientist. Louis Pasteur discovered the micro-world of germs and bacteria .  Before Louis Pasteur, infections were rampant, food spoiled quickly, and we knew nothing about hygiene.  We were at the mercy of […]

More Charts: The BML Challenge Chart # 2 Goethe

  It’s difficult to do a short synopsis of Goethe’s life and all he accomplished within it, and how wide-ranging his influence was and remains.  No one who has read, “The Sorrows of Young Werther” forgets it–it ignited the entire Romantic movement and was the world’s first ‘bestseller.’   It’s as a writer I know Goethe […]

Key to the BML Challenge

    As discussed, the chart of the serial killer was chart #7, Ted Bundy. The first chart was the genius mathematician Alan Turing. The rest are as follows, and we will discuss them all in the next post: Chart # 2:  Goethe, writer, philosopher and statesman, considered by many to be the great man […]

Chaos Runs Amok

    I am very, very sorry to report to all my students and clients that recordings I made of sessions between February, 2014 and June 2014 have disappeared from my computer.  Have no clue why this occurred, because nothing was deleted.  I usually keep recordings for two years or more.  I did have trouble […]

New Beginning Date for Astrolocial Alchemy Level One

    Sorry to announce that all the spaces for Astrological Alchemy Level One are now taken.  If you would like your name put on a wait list in case of cancellations, please get in touch with me at   Due to many requests, the class will now begin the week beginning October 13th.

Beyond Planet and Aspect: Astrological Alchemy Part One

  I remember very distinctly the day I discovered what was to be the central ‘key’ to my own chart. It wasn’t very early in my studies, I was somewhere in my late twenties, trying to figure out why it was only disasters in love that took me down the rabbit hole of spiritual awareness […]

The Black Moon Lilith Quiz — Chart Number One

  In sorting through these seven charts, we needed to ask ourselves some questions.  First, what qualities are we looking for?  What differentiates a serial killer/psycho-sociopath from the ordinary person?  I would think that we would be looking, primarily, for two things:  a capacity for violence and a lack of accountability.  It is one thing […]

The Black Moon Lilith and Ted Bundy–answer to the BML quiz

  Ted Bundy A lesson in cardinal houses. Cardinal houses will dominate, and here, one in particular, with the added factor of having Jupiter at the ‘gate.’   Just organically, do you think the wildness and willfulness of Sag is a good blend with ruthless and relentless, taboo-breaking Scorpio?  The I.C. is the seat of consciousness, […]

And the answer to the Black Moon Lilith game is…

    …  CHART NUMBER SEVEN, Which is the chart of degenerate serial killer and psychopath Ted Bundy. Even his own defense lawyer was quoted as saying, “Ted  was the very definition of heartless evil.” We will go over the BML influence in this chart and then continue with the others, focusing on the way […]