Author: Dawn Bodrogi

Solstice Off the Cuff Readings are Booking!

  Hello Everyone, At long last, the Off the Cuff readings are here for the Solstice.  I try to do this twice a year, to give advantage to those who aren’t able to afford a regular reading.  The readings last 45 minutes (exactly) and are $45.  I do no preparation beforehand.  You can ask whatever […]


      Hi Folks,   Just letting you know that there are only one or two places left in Advanced Synastry.  If you want to get in, now is the time.  Please send me an email with the title “Advanced Synastry.” There seems to be some confusion with the Foundations Course.  First of all, […]

New Foundations Course; Progressions One Full

    Hi Folks, Progressions One is now filled.  Thanks very much for responding so quickly. The way the schedule is shaping up, it looks like Advanced Synastry for May through June and then a continuation of the Alchemy course in mid-July through to September.  A new series of Deep Cuts will be offered in […]

A Couple of Spaces Left in Progressions One

    Hi Folks, As expected, the Progressions One course has filled up quickly.  There are one or two spaces still available.  After this session, progressions one most likely will not be taught in this exclusive one to one format, so if you were looking forward to studying this topic with me, now is your […]

More on the Independent Study

      I want to make it clear to the Independent Study people that you will be creating your own curriculum–therefore, for the three classes, you are responsible for providing the theme, the chart data, the biographical links (Wiki will do for most) and the dates for progressions, if any. I would also like […]

More Classes for March: Happy Vernal Equinox

    I’m happy to announce some new classes/class formats coming up in March/April.  Ideas for these classes are based on my conversations with my students –aside from the more long term courses like Progressions One, there is room for shorter, less time-consuming classes that will focus on specific skills and techniques in astrology. The […]

Progressions One Next Up!

      I know that  a number of you have been waiting patiently for the next time Progressions One is offered, so here it is.  Progressions One will begin the week of March 22nd. I am going to be honest with you.  I don’t know how any astrologer can consciously give counsel without using the progressed chart.  Without […]

Updates Due this Week

Updates for the Inner Wheel will be posted this week.  It has been a crazy winter, with the alchemy course taking off like wildfire and providing some exciting and unexpected results.  We haven’t discovered gold yet, but we’re getting there. For those who are waiting for Off the Cuff readings, I’m afraid an illness prevented […]

BML Challenge: Chart # 5

      I think that this chart is the most tricky of the seven, considering whose chart it is.  This is the chart of a saint  (or near-saint–it’s hard to keep track of papal doings).  Mother Teresa, who devoted her life to the poor, the disenfranchised, the untouchable, the forgotten.  Is there a point […]