Author: Dawn Bodrogi

Site Crash

  Sorry, Folks, I don’t know what happened, but everything from July to October that appeared on this site has been eaten.  Simply disappeared, and no record I can see.  I’ll be working on it.  In the meantime, I hope everything else is still intact. All well and good that it wasn’t a time I […]

Progressions in Synastry Course is Here Again! (Finally)

The course of Progressions Two will consist of the following, and may be adjusted according to each student’s abilities.   The classes will be illustrated by case studies: Lesson One:      When Will I Find Someone?  Partnership indicators in the long and short term. Lesson Two:      Using First Meeting Charts Lessons Two and Three:      […]

In Celebration of Jupiter

  Maybe it’s because Jupiter and the North Node have been conjunct near my Sun recently.  Or maybe it’s because of the impressive and inspiring photos of Jupiter being sent from the recent Juno probe (as above–almost overwhelming, isn’t it?).  But I’m in a Jupiter frame of mind and inclined to probe it a bit […]

Progressions Two Beginning Date Pushed Back

  For those of you who are waiting for the announcement, and for those of you just tuning in, Progressions Two (Progressions in Synastry) will begin late July/early August due to some unforeseen personal delays.  There is also a chance that we will begin and then skip a week in the middle.  I’ll let you […]

Progressions Two Begins in mid-July

      PROGRESSIONS TWO BEGINS IN JULY This is a sample of what may be included in the course.  Details will follow soon.  The pre-requisite for this course is Progressions One.  No exceptions. Soul Points in Synastry, a class in the more esoteric points of chart comparison–the draconic chart, soli-lunar midpoints (and other midpoints), […]

Off the Cuff readings begin June 20th

  This year, I consider it fortuitous that the Inner Wheel OTC readings will begin exactly on the day of the solstice.  Goodness knows we need some luck, with the way this crazy year has stacked up. The Off the Cuff, discounted readings will take place from Monday June 20th through Thursday  the 23rd and […]

Summer Solstice Off the Cuff Readings Coming Soon

                Hi Folks, It’s time for Off the Cuff readings soon:  the summer solstice readings will take place from June 20th to 23rd, and then Saturday the 25th.  The times available are noon to 4 pm Eastern time, on the hour.  Payment will guarantee a slot;  if you […]

One Place Left in The Dark Goddess Course! (Again)

  Hi Folks, It’s been a wacky couple of weeks.  In addition to feeling almost like Mercury Retrograde, with mixed up scheduling and missed connections (thank you, Mars retro in Sag), there has also been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing regarding The Dark Goddess Course.  People have been in and out like a revolving […]