Author: Dawn Bodrogi

New Look, New Classes, New Material

Hi folks, I’m asking for a little more of your patience as I find the time to redesign The Inner Wheel. I’ll be coming back soon with a new look, new organization, and perhaps even a search engine function that actually works. I’ve also got some articles ready to go up. In the near future, […]

A Sudden Loss

It seems that all I do lately is apologize for not being here as often as I want to be. I intended this blog to be a place where knowledge and information are gathered and shared, but if I’m not there stirring up the embers we lose our sense of community–I know that there are […]

Progressions One Class Almost Filled

The Progressions One course begins next week–there is one space left, possibly two, depending on when you are available. If anyone was considering it and would like to take the classes, please get in touch with me ASAP– I will be preparing class materials and sending them out soon. I’m not certain if this class […]

Anne Whitaker on the Nodes

I’ve written a lot about the Nodes here–and admit to being a bit obsessed with them–and I thought any of you who caught the Node bug would like to take a spin over to Anne Whitaker’s site, Writing from the Twelfh House, and read her three part series on The Moon’s Nodes in Action. A […]

Secondary Progressions One Beginning in Two Weeks

Secondary Progressions are absolutely crucial to any natal chart interpretation. They’re the ‘why’ behind the ‘who’ of the natal chart and the ‘what’ of the transits. Without a correct interpretation of secondaries, we have no focus, no perspective on personal development nor on our spiritual evolution. For those of you new to the field, more […]

Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex versus the Nodes (Part Two)

As discussed in Part One, there is often confusion about these two, the Vertex axis and the Nodal axis, particularly when it comes to planetary contact to either end of the axis via synastry: both are said to be responsible for the so-called ‘fated’ relationship. But in practice, these two are very different, with a […]

Soul Points in Synastry: The Vertex versus the Nodes (Part One)

One of the questions that has already come up a number of times in the Soul Points class I’m teaching is, “Both the Vertex and the Nodes are sensitive relationship points that often feel destined, what’s the difference?” It’s assumed that contacts to both the Nodes (particularly the South Node) and the Vertex feel like […]

13th Sign–NOT

Okay, folks. There has been a lot of nonsense raised lately about a newly discovered 13th sign, Ophiuchus. This has about as much validity as the “Paul is Dead” Beatles scandal. There is nothing new about this. The constellation is there, has been known for ages, and its bogus position as the governor of a […]

Back In the Swing of Things…

It feels like ages since I’ve posted anything, and it feels good to be back. Just a quick note to say that a new article will be up this weekend, if not sooner. The other news is that I will next be teaching another course of the Advanced Synastry class. More details will be up […]