Author: Dawn Bodrogi

The Cave and the Arrow: Chiron Beyond the Wound

  This is an article on Chiron in aspect to Mars.  For general comments on Chiron, please see “Chiron, an Overview.” I’ve always thought that too much has been made of Chiron’s infamous wound, and not enough of his wisdom, his teaching, his skill, his role as guide to the muses, and his crucial role […]

Last Chance for Off the Cuff Readings

There are a very few slots still available for the Off the Cuff readings–mostly in the afternoons(Eastern time) of the 28th and 29th.  Email me at if you’re interested. For those who are new to the site, these popular readings are shorter, much less expensive versions of a typical natal reading.  They last 45 […]

Driven Towards the Sacred: Vesta (Part Two)

Please read Part One of this piece HERE. Vesta’s no-gray-areas approach applies to any planet it touches, but especially when aligned with the relationship planets. Vesta has a habit of cyclical withdrawal; we will pull back in order to meditate on what it is that really matters, what it is that she wants from us. […]

Newsletter Alert

I’ve just been made aware of the fact that some of you might have been having problems signing up for The Widening Gyre. Apparently the field “Place of Birth” has been asking you for numbers. This is now fixed, so please subscribe. If you have problems, please email me. For those of you who signed […]

Last Chance for Advanced Synastry Course

I have one or two more slots available for the Advanced Synastry Course, which begins the week of May 15th (Lesson 1 begins tomorrow and is scheduled through the week.) I’ll be closing registration for this class on Wednesday afternoon, so if any of you are keen on joining us, please let me know. Different […]

Driven Towards the Sacred: Vesta (Part One)

It’s a funny thing about what we find sexy, as subject matter, and what we don’t. The other day I was complaining that not enough people give much weight to the Sun and the Moon anymore, particularly in transit; I was told point blank that neither of the lights is particularly sexy these days, not […]

The Advanced Synastry Course Beginning Soon

It’s spring again, and love is in the air–  The Advanced Synastry Course is here again!  I haven’t been able to offer this course since last spring/summer. Classes will begin in mid-May. I’ve had requests from a number of you for a more formal synastry course which would go deeper into the material that I’ve […]

Welcome to The New Inner Wheel (Updated June 3rd)

Welcome, everyone, to the new site. The Off the Cuff readings will be available soon, and spaces, as always, will be limited.  The first edition of  The  Widening Gyre went out yesterday, with codes for discounts and early sign-up– if you’re thinking about an Off the Cuff reading, it’s worth subscribing.  You can sign up […]