Author: Dawn Bodrogi

Ongoing Classes Available

At the risk of sounding like a character from Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Ernest, I have recently lost two ongoing students and, ‘to lose one (student)… may be regarded as misfortune, to lose both sounds like carelessness…” Well, it wasn’t quite carelessness, but if there is anyone who has been wanting to study […]

The 27 Club: Crossing the Astrological Threshold

With the sad death of Amy Winehouse reported in the news, I’m afraid we’re going to hear an awful lot about “The 27 Club”–a list of celebrities who never made it to 28.  Requiescat en pace to their newest member, and also wishing peace to all who loved her. The assumption in the public is […]

Three Paths to Wisdom: Neptune and the Path of the Heart

I bought a surge protector the other day. I know that this is a strange way to open a post on Neptune, but bear with me.  Apparently, I have a very sensitive refrigerator.  If we have a summer storm and there is a little irregularity in the way the electricity distributes itself, the fridge will […]

Aspect Orbs: An Emergency Posting

Don’t panic. The reason that this is an emergency posting is that, quite simply, if I don’t explain this right here, right now, I may actually go a little mad.  For this I am breaking the flow of the higher and lower octave articles:  I apologize to those of you who have been waiting for […]

Three Paths to Wisdom: Uranus and the Path of Mind

  Please read, “The Music of the Spheres: Octaves” before this piece. I’d like you to sit back and think about an outstanding experience of the planet Uranus.  Most of us will come up with some sudden shock or turnabout during a major Uranus transit or progression.  Most of us will associate Uranus with the […]

The Music of the Spheres: Octaves, An Introduction

  There are those who dismiss the idea entirely.  Mercury the lower octave of Uranus?  Venus the lower octave of Neptune? Mars the lower octave of Pluto?  I’ve read and listened to endless words on the subject.  Some try to convince me that the concept of octaves doesn’t exist at all.  Others try to tell […]

Winner of the Solstice OTC Subscriber Contest

I’m happy to announce that the winner of the Subscriber Contest is Paula Morgan.  Paula says that she’s never won anything before, so I’m glad that The Inner Wheel has opened a new window for her.  For those of you who are into number, the winning number was 59, picked at random by my 9 […]

First Steps: The Solar Secret Agent

One of the things I do as a teacher, which admittedly drives some of my more advanced students crazy at first, is insist that, whatever level they’ve reached in their astrological studies, we cover the basics for the first couple of lessons.  We cover (or re-discover) the power and purpose of the Sun, Moon and […]

The Widening Gyre Subscriber Contest

JUST A FEW MORE HOURS to subscribe to The Widening Gyre and win a free, Off the Cuff reading.  Details are below.  There are still three hours and three minutes left to enter. To celebrate the solstice, I’m giving away a free Off the Cuff reading to the winner of The Widening Gyre subscriber contest.  […]