Author: Dawn Bodrogi

Mea Culpa re Gyre Jung article

Sorry, folks.  Sorry to have to report that, due to a fault completely my own, you have to ignore the article on Jung I wrote for The Widening Gyre.  The part about Jung’s contribution to astrology is right, but once we get into the details of Jung’s chart you might as well line the proverbial/virtual […]

The Cardinal Path to Sexual Maturity: Mars/Saturn

A more theoretical article on the male/female psychic split as represented by the cardinal cross will appear in a future issue of The Widening Gyre.  It goes further to explain the patterns behind the Mars/Saturn developmental phase in male sexual maturity and will continue next month to explore the Venus/Moon phase of female sexual maturity.  […]

Some Thoughts on the Black Moon

    This article appeared recently in The Widening Gyre.  Though I don’t intend to make a habit of using content from The Gyre in this space, I received so many emails about this particular article that I’m reprinting it here for the benefit of readers of The Inner Wheel.  If you are a regular […]

Jupiter and the Lost God: Co-rulerships, Part Two

    Quick, which god is the month January named after? Each year, as we look back on the old year behind us and the new one ahead, we are in his realm.  He is the lord of transition…and we don’t know who he is. On the whole, people don’t think of Jupiter when they […]

Winner of The Gyre “New Moon” competition

  I’m happy to announce that the winner of the The Widening Gyre’s “New Moon in Leo” competition is Wendy Layne, who managed to capture the sense of fun and adventure in this combination of influences in three paragraphs or less.  Wendy wins an extended one on one tutoring session from me.  Congratulations, Wendy! The […]

Jupiter and Hyde: Co-rulerships, Part One

  One of the first things we learn–or rather, latch on to–when we begin learning astrology is the serendipity of Jupiter.  Wherever Jupiter falls in a chart is lucky, the books tell us.  Jupiter is the planet of adventure and good feelings.  He’s a good guy, ruler of happy, expansive Sag.  We want him in […]

Progressions Two Begins Scheduling August 15th!

Progressions Two:  Progressions in Synastry     Sorry to say that the Progressions Two Class is now full.  Progressions Two will be given again in Spring of 2012.   Open to all who have taken my Progressions One course.  No exceptions, sorry.  We will be using techniques and definitions that were taught in Progressions One. […]

Spiral Up or Down? The Second Progressed Lunar Return

  There was a lot of interest stirred up by my articles on the Progressed Lunar Return: both the one on the 27 Club and the one on the Progressed Moon/Saturn cycle.  When people first hear about the progressed lunar return, they often get a very wise ‘a ha’ look in their eyes, as if […]

Three Paths to Wisdom: Pluto and the Path of Right Action

I had a much harder time naming this post than I had writing it.  I toyed with Pluto and the Path of Soul, but Soul is a confusing term, and many of us have very personal definitions of it as coloured by traditional and non-traditional religion and belief systems.  Evolutionary astrology has adopted the notion […]