Author: Matthew The Astrologer

The Astrology Double Header!

For those of you who caught my show yesterday and wondered… “is he too sick to ever do another Blogtalkradio show again?”, here’s your answer:

Join me tonight at 4 PM Pacific when I appear with Marguerite Manning as we discuss the Aries in your…

The Shocking Uranus-Ram

1928: Uranus enters Aries. The world’s old orders are falling apart…and new orders begin to assert themselves. Some people are making a fortune… and others struggle for basic labor rights.

2011: Uranus enters Aries again, and… well, take a look…

Mars Make Hulk Angry!

Today on “Conquer The Universe With Astrology”: yes, even though today is International Women’s Day (I sorta covered that on yesterday’s show), today we are talking about possibly the most “male” of planets… Mars. We’ll be looking at your Mars placem…

Astrology And Gender Roles

Today on “Conquer The Universe With Astrology”: The Sun and Moon are the traditional rulers of “gender role” in the birth chart. Society’s rules have changed. Has astrology?

Today at  2 PM Eastern (11 AM Pacific)CLICK HERE TO LISTEN OR SET A REMI…

Sit Down, Shut Up, And Listen To Saturn

Hear that grinding noise? Odds are good that’s transiting Saturn working its steamroller magic on you somehow. Today on “Conquer The Universe With Astrology,” I’ll be looking at Saturn: what it does, what it’s sending your way, and when to duck. Listen…