Author: Michelle

Venus/Mars Aspects

The planet of love meets the planet of desire. Harmony or conflict between inner masculine and feminine forces. Inability to reconcile masculine and feminine forces within. Action and attraction clash or blending. Angry with women. Overly compromising with men. Angry at having to be in a relationship. Conflicts between needing social interaction and the desire […]

Nodal Synastry and the Magic Bullet

There is no magic bullet. There is no one connection that can say, “Yes! We are destined for each other: YOU ARE THE ONE.” Aspects between charts, and in composite, tell what type of energy is present in the relationship- but not whether that energy is right for you. Rather than searching for “good” connections,[Continue…]

Venus/Pluto Aspects

Transformational love. Intense artistic presence. Undermining love. Suffocating love. Depraved love. Controlling love. Attracted to controlling people. Attempting to control the people you love. Intense relationships. Intense artistic involvements. Transformation through artistic expression. Transformation through relationships. Buried treasure. Gold diggers. Hidden jewels. The depth of attraction. An intensely attractive person. Attracting situations that have the[Continue…]

Taking a Little Break

Hi Readers, I’ll be taking a break from social sites and from AstroFix through the 1st week of September. I hope you are all having a wonderful summer and I’ll see you when I get back. Thank you for reading! Best wishes, Michelle (AstroFix)

Strong Dreamers

Everybody dreams Everybody dreams, but not everyone is naturally a strong dreamer. Some people are more likely to remember their dreams and to take an active role in dream recall and exploration. Those people not only remember their dreams in minute detail, but also have the ability to achieve lucidity and control the direction of [Continue…]

Interception: Landlocked Countries… and Bjork

Intercepted signs and planets Intercepted signs are like landlocked countries: A landlocked country is a country entirely enclosed by land, or whose only coastlines lie on closed seas. Historically, being landlocked was regarded as a disadvantageous position. It cuts the country off from sea resources such as fishing, but more importantly cuts off access to […]

Transiting Saturn: Restructuring and Getting Real

This is a continuation of the previous post Transiting Saturn and Your House in Capricorn. Because Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius, both the Aquarius and Capricorn houses are included in these delineations. Natal Capricorn or Aquarius in the 1st house As Saturn transits through each house of your natal chart, it carries with […]