Author: Sasstrology

Venus Trine Venus Synastry

Venus trine Venus synastry symbolizes a harmonious blend of love, aesthetics, and shared values, fostering strong, affectionate relationships. Two celestial bodies 120 degrees apart in a natal chart or synastry form a trine. If there are three planets with 20 degrees between them, they form a grand trine.  In a trine, the planets are in […]

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Sun Sextile Moon Synastry

Sun sextile Moon synastry suggests a harmonious connection, promoting understanding and emotional balance in relationships, with aligned goals and values. A sextile forms between two planets that are 60 degrees apart, creating a harmonious and beautiful energy flow between the celestial bodies involved. Sextiles are renowned for their ability to bring growth opportunities and foster […]

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Moon Square Venus Synastry

Moon square Venus synastry represents emotional and value clashes in relationships, potentially causing tension but also deepening understanding. Squares are among the tensest aspects in natal charts or a synastry. But we can still work with their energy to empower our life and even unlock new opportunities.  A square forms between two planets that are […]

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Oppositions In Synastry

The opposition aspect warrants a closer look at the major aspects within a synastry chart. A synastry chart is essentially a comprehensive comparison of the natal chart of two individuals, offering insights into the nature of a romantic relationship. This aspect emerges when two planets are in the opposite direction in the zodiac circle. It […]

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8th House in Astrology

The 8th house, known as the house of transformation, holds significant importance in Vedic and traditional astrology. The 8th house is a succedent house. It follows the cardinal or angular 7th house of partnership and precedes the cadent 9th house. This contributes to the dynamic balance of the natal chart. This house is a symbol […]

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The 6th House in Astrology

The 6th House in Astrology is a critical area on the birth chart or natal chart. It rules over various areas of life, including daily routines, work environment, and health matters. Health and Wellness in the 6th House When you peek into the 6th house, you’re stepping into territory closely aligned with the essence of […]

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Progressed Synastry Chart

Today, we will delve into the progressed synastry chart. It is a fascinating aspect of astrology that combines the principles of a synastry chart and a progressed chart. It provides insights into the evolving dynamics of a relationship. The Basics: Synastry, Progressed, and Progressed Synastry Charts The synastry chart, or comparison of the natal charts, is […]

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Outer Planets in Astrology

The cosmic dance of the bodies in our solar system has long fascinated humanity. From the ‘naked eye’ visible inner planets to the distant outer celestial bodies. Each planetary body holds a unique significance in astrology. The moment of birth determines our birth chart, a solar system map from our birthplace’s perspective, setting the stage […]

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Mars Square Neptune Synastry

Mars square Neptune synastry is fascinating, teetering between potent passion and potential illusion. This hard aspect invites the partners to navigate a path that calls for hard work, honest communication, and mutual understanding. This article will explore this synastry aspect in depth, touching on its challenges, potential, and the necessary balance to cultivate a harmonious […]

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