Author: Nadia Gilchrist

The 12th House Venus Woman

Excerpt from my latest Sasstrology post (please leave comments on the Sasstrology site): “The 12th House is where you’re most hidden and, paradoxically, most vulnerable. This is the house of sacrifice, isolation and painful sensitivity. While a…

More Jupiter in Leo: Where’s My Gold?

This post on Jupiter Rx in Leo, was (I thought) positive. However, it triggered some less than positive responses. Jupiter is supposed to be the opportunity guy. The bringer of blessings. But if you’ve experienced the “joy” of Jupiter…

Transiting Venus in Capricorn

Venus (love, money, self-esteem) enters Capricorn on December 10th. This is the sign of strategy, ambition, discipline, authority and respect. Wonderful attributes to apply to Venus themes, yes? Venus in Capricorn is about focusing on what you want. Ta…