Author: Nadia Gilchrist

Transiting Inconjuncts and Relationships

Excerpt from my latest Sasstrology post. Please leave comments on the Sasstrology site: “A while back, I wrote an article on the challenge of synastric inconjuncts — tense aspects that demand adjustment between signs with nothing in common. Wh…

New Moon in Libra: Equinox Moon

        On the heels of Pluto direct and the Autumnal Equinox, we have a New Moon at 1 degree Libra on September 24th. The Equinox turning point will lead directly to this New Moon’s beginnings. Whatever Pluto … Continue…

Pluto Direct and the Equinox Harvest

September 22nd features two, major shifts. Pluto stations direct at 11 degrees Capricorn on September 22nd. Pluto’s Rx period (from April 14, 2014 at 13 degrees) was a time of intensified excavation. Going back through the rubble of Capricorn&#8…