Author: Nadia Gilchrist

Full Moon in Cancer and the Cross

    January 4th brings us the first lunation of 2015: a Full Moon at 14 degrees Cancer. This one will be all about the Uranus/Pluto square and the transiting Nodes. The Sun will conjunct Pluto (at 13 degrees Capricorn) … Continue readin…

Horoscopes for December 28th to January 4th

Overview    Mars (action) in Aquarius opposes Jupiter Rx (expansion) in Leo from December 28th to January 1st. This high-octane aspect promises surges of energy, possibility and surprise. Mars in Aquarius barrels towards the future, while Jupiter in …

Thank You

                  As 2014 winds down, I’d like to thank my clients and everyone who reads this blog. Your support and feedback are essential and fully appreciated. I’m looking forward to continui…

Lifestyle Compatibility in Synastry

Excerpt from my latest Sasstrology post (please leave comments on the Sasstrology site): “Synastry clearly illustrates chemistry and commitment between two people. However, one area that’s often overlooked during the initial rush of a new relat…