Author: Nadia Gilchrist

Venus and Mars: From Pisces to Aries

Building on yesterday’s New Moon post, the dance between Venus and Mars is significant. When these two get together, it’s hot. Sex (Mars) and love (Venus). What you want (Venus) and what you do to get it (Mars). “Hot” can &#8230…

Intercepted Signs

Excerpt from my latest Sasstrology article (please leave comments on the Sasstrology site): “Intercepted signs occur when one sign sits between two other signs within a house. To put it another way, there are no house cusps in the intercepted &#8…

Moon Chasing Saturn: The Long Haul

A commenter asked about a continuing aspect between transiting Saturn and their Progressed Moon. This is known as Saturn chasing the Moon, or Moon chasing Saturn. This event happens to everyone, at some point. The Progressed Moon aspects transiting Sat…

Mercury Direct in Aquarius

  Mercury stations direct (at 1 degree Aquarius) on February 11th. Whatever Mercury Rx in Aquarius stirred up will now see forward momentum. If Mercury Rx was the time to reconsider or do the opposite of what was expected, Mercury … Continue…

Saturn in Sagittarius and Depression

Since transiting Saturn entered Sagittarius, it has been forming hard aspects to the Mutable signs. Opposition to Gemini, square to Virgo and Pisces. And of course, the heavy conjunctions to anything in Sag. Hard aspects from Saturn are notorious for &…