Author: Nadia Gilchrist

Horoscopes for March 1st to March 8th

Overview    March 1st sees Venus passing over the transiting South Node in Aries. This was covered in last week’s horoscopes: “Venus rules the transiting North Node in Libra (a situation that’s up for further development) so her contact with &#…

Full Moon in Virgo

  There’s a complicated Full Moon (at 14 degrees Virgo) on March 5th, as it hooks into various configurations. Inconjuncts are strongly featured during this Moon, so it’s important to know how to handle them. An inconjunct connects two…

Mars, Venus and the Great Kick Forward

As promised, here are some words on Venus and Mars, hitting the South Node in Aries. Venus currently rules the transiting North Node (what needs to be developed) in Libra. But she’ll be activating the transiting South Node (what needs … Con…

The Moody Cancer Partner

                  Excerpt from my latest Sasstrology post (please leave comments on the Sasstrology site): “If you’ve been involved with someone with emphasized Cancer energy in her chart, you’ve …