Author: Marina

Solar Eclipse October 2024 ~ Bitter Sweet

The New Moon Solar Eclipse 2 October 2024 is at 10º Libra Decan 2 Aspect: Conjunct Mercury & Black Moon Lilith. Fixed Star: Gienah in the left wing of Corvus the Crow. Asteroid: Hesta. Tarot Card: 3…

Asteroid Isis

Asteroid Isis, named after the ancient Egyptian goddess, embodies the themes of devotion, magic and fertility. Isis’s influence also encompasses child protection, resurrection, and unification, so she has a Plutonic … READ MORE

Asteroid Cybele

Cybele is an earth mother goddess with a twist. She is a rather colourful character depicted as an exotic foreigner arriving on a chariot drawn by roaring lions and escorted … READ MORE

Asteroid Lilith

Asteroid Lilith in astrology resonates with the bible myth of Lilith as Adam’s demonised first wife. Since the asteroid is the only solid version of Lilith its manifestations tend to be … READ MORE

Full Moon 23 May 2024 ~ Shameless!

The Full Moon May 2024 falls at 2º Sagittarius Decan 1. Type: Flower Moon. Aspect: Sextile Pluto. Fixed Star: Gacrux in the Southern Cross. Asteroid: Lilith. Tarot Card: 8 Of Wands. Healing Crystal: Red Calcite This post will be free … READ MORE…

Asteroid Aphrodite

To understand the meaning of asteroid Aphrodite in our natal chart we must look at her myth, archetype, and correspondences to understand how we can work with her as a … READ MORE

asteroid Hygieia

Hygieia is the Greek Goddess of health. She gives her name to the concept of hygiene and cleanliness, which is, of course, next to godliness! Her father was the famous … READ MORE

Asteroid Medusa

Of all of the myths, none has been more politicized, manipulated and misunderstood than that of Medusa. In essence, Medusa was once a beautiful maiden who, after being raped, was … READ MORE