Author: Jamie

Google Plus

Google +1 horoscope and mundane astrology. This Google Plus One horoscope is cast for June 28 at 10:45 am from Google headquarters in California

July 2011 Forecast

July 2011 Monthly Astroloical Forecast. These predictions for July 2011 are based on Moon phases, planetary aspects and fixed stars. The big influences this month come from the solar eclipse on the 1st and Jupiter trine Pluto on the 7th

John Galliano

John Galliano natal horoscope and astrological indicators of racism and Misogyny expressed in his rant. John Galliano is an eccentric fashion designer who rose to the top of his field with Givenchy and Christian Dior.

June 2011 Forecast

June 2011 Monthly Astrology Forecast. The story for June 2011 looks promising as a series of eclipses herald a new beginning, a new phase for the months ahead. Authentic star based astrology, free horoscope and Moon phase reports, celebrity charts, soul mate signs.

Pluto Opposite Moon

Pluto opposite natal Moon transit. Transiting Pluto opposite natal Moon creates a gradual buildup in the intensity of the emotional life to a point where something has to give. Like all Pluto transits

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Sex Scandal

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Natal Horoscope, Astrology chart, Sex Scandal. Suspended head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested on May 11 2011 for allegedly sodomizing a maid in his New York motel room. Dominique has been accused of rape before, and has also publicly apologized for having an affair. We have his exact time of birth [1] and the exact time of his arrest [2], so the astrology should tell us if Dominique does in fact have a tendency for playing up and if this latest accusation has merits. Transiting Pluto is trine his Venus greatly intensifying his love nature, increasing his need for sexual stimulation, Pluto is deep and probing. His Venus is conjunct the fixed star Hamal in constellation Aries. Adolf Hitler and JFK also has Venus on this star. Marina found that Hamal causes competetiveness in love which often leads to promiscuity. Ebertin mentions suffering in the love life and even sadism [3]. The January 2011 solar eclipse was square his Midheaven so this describes the challenge to his career and social standing. The solar eclipse was also square his Neptune so there was a danger of becoming entangled in an intrigue effecting the career. His Neptune is […]

David Icke

David Icke Natal Horoscope, Astrology Chart. David Icke is a professional conspiracy theorist who promotes the idea that we are ruled by shapeshifting aliens from constellation Draco, the Reptilians. David is very popular, has written many books, and travels the world giving lectures. David has no planets in his horoscope in constellation Draco, nor in the Pleiades, but his Moon is conjunct Sirius. David Icke tells us his birth time on the first page of his book, Tales from the Time Loop, “I was born in Leicester, England, at around 6:15 PM on April 29, 1952.” This puts the Ascendant on the fixed star Seginus which gives “potential for writing or public speaking.” With Neptune conjunct the Ascendant the writing and public speaking are about spirituality and conspiracy theories. Sun conjunct Vertex means that David attracts special people and experiences, destiny encounters which dramatically change the direction of his life. Alice Portman describes the Vertex as doorway to other realities. Sun sextile Uranus brings flashes of insight through his spiritual doorway, and makes him an exciting and eccentric personality. The Moon conjunct Sirius brings success in business and fame, and conjunct Uranus this success and fame come though odd things like the […]

Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden Death Horoscope/Astrology. Thanks to some collaboration with Facebook friends, we have come up with the death horoscope for Osama bin Laden. The location was the city Abbottabad, Pakistan. The operation started on the 2nd of May 2011 at 1:00 am [1] and was completed in 38 minutes [2]. So the chart below is set for 1:38 am, using the exact coordinates of the compound where Osama bin laden was killed [3]. The time looks good because the Ascendant of matches that of Barack Obama. The Vertex is also conjunct Obama’s Vertex, and the Part of Fortune is conjunct Obama’s Chiron. I’m not going to go into conspiracy theories about the body, or whether Osama bin laden was behind the September 11 attacks. On it’s own, this event is hugely significant regardless of how and why we got to this point in history. It was meant to be this way. The Vertex on Barack Obama’s Vertex says this was his destiny. He reaps the rewards, the January solar eclipse was trine his Vertex. Mars is conjunct Jupiter in this event chart. As I said in the May Forecast, this is an “action transit, initiative, boldness, courage and aggression will […]

June Horoscopes

June Horoscope 2011, these horoscopes for June 2011 are based on astrological aspects and Moon phases. For other predictions see 2011 Astrology Forecast. . Aries June 2011 Horoscope   Libra June 2011 Horoscope Taurus June 2011 Horoscope   Scorpio June 2011 Horoscope Gemini June 2011 Horoscope   Sagittarius June 2011 Horoscope Cancer June 2011 Horoscope   Capricorn June 2011 Horoscope Leo June 2011 Horoscope   Aquarius June 2011 Horoscope Virgo June 2011 Horoscope …………. Pisces June 2011 Horoscope Horoscopes > Monthly 2011 Horoscopes > June 2011 Horoscopes .