Author: Lynn Hayes

Sunday inspiration for Mars & Mercury in Virgo: The perfect morning

I love learning about the morning routines of different people and over the last few years I’ve been reading and watching videos about different morning routines and trying some things on to see how they work for me. One thing I’ve learned is that although there is no such thing as a perfect morning, there […]

The post Sunday inspiration for Mars & Mercury in Virgo: The perfect morning appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.

Planetary news this week: Time to get organized with Mercury in Virgo

Astrological update for the week of July 24-31, 2023 Mercury in Virgo July 28. Mercury was known to the Romans as the messenger god, and was the only one of all the gods to be able to travel between the world of the gods, the world of humans, and the Underworld, the transformational realm governed […]

The post Planetary news this week: Time to get organized with Mercury in Virgo appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.

Chicago time zone confusion

Our modern astrology software contains excellent databases, but when a client was born in Illinois during a period when Daylight Savings Time was observed it can get very confusing because there was a law in Illinois in effect until 1959 which required birth times to be recorded in standard time even when daylight time was […]

The post Chicago time zone confusion appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.

Sunday inspiration for Venus retrograde

photo from Advanced Style Venus turned retrograde in Leo yesterday making this the perfect poem for today’s inspiration post. We think of Venus as representing relationships and love, and that is certainly true, but Venus also is related to our self-esteem. That is especially true in Leo, the sign which encourages us to […]

The post Sunday inspiration for Venus retrograde appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.

The meaning of Venus retrograde in Leo 2023: July 22-September 3

artist unknown Venus transits are typically fleeting and we are barely touched by them. Come and gone in under a day, even the harder transits are not that difficult except for their propensity for indulgence and lack of self-awareness. When Venus appears to change direction and turns retrograde, though, her movement becomes slower […]

The post The meaning of Venus retrograde in Leo 2023: July 22-September 3 appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.

Planetary news this week: Cancer New Moon and Venus retrograde

Astrological update for the week of July 17-24, 2024 art by Lia Van Elffenbrinck Cancer New Moon. I wrote about this in last week’s forecast so that we could be ready for the New Moon on Monday the 17th, but you may want to catch up here if you missed it. The lunar […]

The post Planetary news this week: Cancer New Moon and Venus retrograde appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.

Planetary news this week: Cancer New Moon and the Nodes change signs

Astrological update for the week of July 10-17, 2023 The lunar nodal axis shift. The changing of the Nodes of the Moon from one sign to the previous sign is an interesting pattern which suggests a revisiting of the past in order to move more fully into the future.The Nodes of the Moon are actually […]

The post Planetary news this week: Cancer New Moon and the Nodes change signs appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.

Sunday Inspiration: The sacred dance of life

With Mars at the last degree of Leo and Venus right behind, let’s summon all the gusto we can over these next few days. 💖 I sometimes forgetthat I was created for Joy.My mind is too busy. My Heart is too heavyfor me to rememberthat I have beencalled to dancethe Sacred dance of life. I […]

The post Sunday Inspiration: The sacred dance of life appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.

Planetary news this week: Capricorn Full Moon and the balance of head and heart

Astrological update for July 3-10, 2023 Flickr Monday’s Capricorn Full Moon sets the stage for a week of mental gymnastics. During every Full Moon, we encounter the need to harmonize opposing energies since the Sun resides in a sign opposite to that of the Moon. This balance entails reconciling our inner and outer […]

The post Planetary news this week: Capricorn Full Moon and the balance of head and heart appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.