Author: Marina Macario


Chiron was discovered November 1 1977, the year of Star Wars, the Sex Pistols, Apple Computers Incorporated, and the year Elvis died. 1977 is one of those years that sticks in my mind as being on the threshold of something new and space-agey. 1977 was a sparkly new era compared to the musty old bell-bottoms of 1976. Disco synthezisers, drainpipes jeans and day-glo. It was ……the future!

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Moon Sextile/Trine Jupiter

Moon in soft aspect to Jupiter brings out the very best of the warmth, charisma and entertaining potential from the two planets. The subject cannot help but attract followers as they take to the role of an idol like a duck to water. Provided both plane…

Post Mortem Mars Retrograde ~ Dragon Slayed?

We are now in the post Mars retrograde shadow period. In the midst of an extremely volatile few months, we can now look back at where all the violence stemmed from. The shadow period of Mars in Scorpio was horribly bloody in terms of terrorist events both in the US and Europe. The intensified effect of Mars is […]

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Lunar Eclipse 23 March 2016 ~ Tipping Point

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 23 2016 is at 3º Libra Decan 1. This Moon brings with it the potential for great illumination since it is ruled by Venus/Lucifer the bringer of light (Despite the temporary blood earth shadow.) The intuitive sense is also very sharp in Libra decan 1. Interestingly both Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, who

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Sun Sextile/Trine Mars ~ To Boldly Go

Sun sextile Mars or Sun trine Mars makes for daring, courageous and impulsive creatures. All Sun/Mars aspects will have this bravado, but at least with these softer aspects,…
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