Astrology Meets Tarot!
Author: Dixie
Daily Tarot, March 7, 2011: Alert and Flexible—Page of Rods
Astrology Meets Tarot!
Daily Tarot, March 6, 2011: Universal Fantasy Tarot Deck Review
Astrology Meets Tarot!
Daily Tarot, March 5, 2011: Falling off the Wheel of Fortune
Astrology Meets Tarot!
Daily Tarot, March 4, 2011: Riding to the Promised Land with the Six of Wands
Astrology Meets Tarot!
Daily Tarot, March 3, 2011: Reversed Page of Pentacles—Are you getting the message?
Astrology Meets Tarot!
Daily Tarot, March 2, 2011: Hung Out to Dry
Astrology Meets Tarot!
Daily Tarot, March 1, 2011: Flip Side of the Fool
Astrology Meets Tarot!
Daily Tarot, February 28, 2011: Clearing Emotional Blocks
Astrology Meets Tarot!
Daily Tarot, February 27, 2011: Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck Review
Astrology Meets Tarot! When I mentioned in amazement I didn’t have ANY Tarot decks on my wishlist, Xenia stepped in to rectify that and got me hooked up with a the Morgan-Greer Tarot. Thanks, Xenia!
Morgan-Greer is a Rider-Waite-Smith clone from…